New and Upcoming Features

Oh boy, do we have news! We are the extremely proud owners of KneeHi, the smallest donkey in the world!
Perfect in every way, registered, he is the tiniest and sweetest donkey with the biggest attitude!
Yes, KneeHi is verified by Guinness as the world's smallest donkey.  Yes, he is a tiny donkey. Yes he is spoiled!

Donkey Dentistry -- Why It's So Important
It's here! Take a look.

You Know You're a Donkey Lover If...

Protect Your Farm Naturally with Guard Donkeys from our Premium Standard-Size Donkey Herd - call us at 3 five two-333-3 eight 19

Our Favorite People, Places, and Things  -  click here
Including links to our favorite donkey wormers, tack, transporters, farriers and our very own farm recipes

Best Friends Farm's Breeding Plan & Philosophy.  Click here to learn what you should know before you buy

Old-time Favorite Recipes from the Farm  -  please click here

Personal Customer Reviews  -  We are happy to arrange for you to speak with our customers.

Virtual Donkey Pen-Pals - A fun way for all ages to learn about miniature donkeys. All BFF donkeys have pen pals right now. Please check back.

Medication and hoof-care charts free for your use. Please email us for your free copy.

Owner's Manual for the Newbie Donkey Owner  -  click here
We developed the Owner's Manual at the request of a visitor -- We value your input. Thank you!
We  Would  Like  To  hEAR  From  You!

It is our pleasure to provide this site for your enjoyment and education!
We hope you enjoy your visit today. If you do, please tell a friend!

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Did you learn anything about donkeys?

or no, please let us know click here to give feedback.

If you would like to see something added about miniature donkeys or
tell us something you liked (or
did not like)  please click here.
Updated 10-1-19
New Info!
All site copy and photos are the exclusive property of Best Friends Farm and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission.  Any violation of this copyright is pursueable
to the full extent of the law.
Farming for the fun of it since 1998!

352.339.3908  or  352.333.3819                Jim and Frankie Lee, 13903 Millhopper Road, Gainesville, FL      
Jeff Foxworthy couldn't say it any better!
for sale!
New for you!